Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Must-Know Breast Info

Answers to the most common questions women ask gynos

What can I do to make my boobs bigger?

Gaining weight will do the trick, and certain exercises may build the muscle in your chest so your set might appear larger. But once your boobs reach their predestined size, nothing will increase their dimensions.

Breast cancer runs in my family. Is my risk higher?

Maybe. Women with a first-degree relative—i.e., a mother or sister—who has been diagnosed with the disease have about a 50% increased risk. Women who have second-degree relatives, such as a grandmother, with breast cancer may also have higher odds. If you fall into either of these categories, tell your gyno. She may suggest that you be tested for genetic abnormalities.

Is it normal for my breasts to be asymmetrical?

Yep, most women have one breast that's larger than the other. The difference is usually slight but may be up to a cup size.

Sources: Suzanne Trupin, OB-GYN in Champaign, Illinois; American Cancer Society

- from Cosmopolitan Magazine, January 2008

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