Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Secret Libido Killers

Sex drive dragging? One of these may be the culprit.

Your pill prescription

Oral contraceptives decrease your body's production of estrogen and testosterone, two hormones that directly influence your level of sexual interest. As a result, some women on birth-control pills feel less of an urge to get busy. If you experience this, check in with your gyno and ask her to prescribe a Pill with a different hormone combination.

Feeling uptight

When you're anxious, your body releases stress hormones into your bloodstream, which can shut down desire in many women. Tension also has a psychological impact on your interest in sex.

Boozing it up

Sure, a few cocktails can make you feel frisky at first. But alcohol is a depressant, meaning that after a few hours, it slows bodily functions—including your ability to become aroused and be in the mood for physical fun with your guy.

Source: Marjorie Green, MD, Clinical Instructor at Harvard Medical School and Advisory-Board Member of the Women's Sexual Health Foundation in Cincinnati

- from Cosmopolitan Magazine, October 2008

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