Monday, October 5, 2009

Sex, Arousal, and Your Breasts

Being turned on affects you above the waist too.

Your breasts feel bigger.

Sexual arousal increases blood flow throughout your body. One side effect: Your girls feel like they're swelling up.

There's not a noticeable change in size, but many women say they have a sensation of fullness. And it may be more pronounced toward the end of your cycle, when estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate, possibly causing an even plumper feel.

from Milk Junkies 2Your nipples become ultrasensitive.

Your nipples and the surrounding areolae are loaded with nerve endings. When your libido is raging, their sensitivity is heightened, making them super-receptive to even the lightest, gentlest stimulation.

The skin on your set reddens.

That increased blood flow also causes blood vessels to dilate. This actually can be seen through the thin skin on and around your breasts as a red flushing.

Source: Jennifer Ashton, Ob-Gyn in Englewood, New Jersey

- from Cosmopolitan Magazine, May 2009

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