We help you decode some bizarre symptoms.
Your breasts itch.
If both breasts have an allover itch, the culprit may be dry winter air, which dehydrates skin. Apply a moisturizer twice a day and after every shower.
If the itchy area is located under your breasts or in your cleavage and/or is red and scaly, it's likely a skin yeast infection triggered by sweat buildup. An antifungal cream or powder will usually clear it up fast.
Your nipples get hard for no obvious reason.
Nipple erections sometimes seem to happen spontaneously, but they're typically brought on by a subtle change in room temperature or your own anxiety or arousal levels. It's not a sign of anything serious, but if it happens frequently, wear a lightly padded bra to mask them.
A few dark hairs appear.
Hair near your areolae or between your breasts is normal, particularly for darker-hued women. Tweeze it, then prevent infection by dabbing on antibacterial cream.
Source: Marisa Weiss, MD, president and founder of breastcancer.org and coauthor of Taking Care of Your "Girls"
- from Cosmopolitan Magazine
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